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The mission of the Twin Rivers school counseling program is to provide a structured program of services to all students and the school community. To enable all students to require self-knowledge, educational and college and career competencies necessary to function and contribute to a changing society.

College and career readiness are important because they work to set students up for success in their future. Being prepared for college is integral to a student's career journey. It is crucial that students be prepared for the coursework they will face in college in an effort to alleviate the culture shock that sometimes can occur when students are not ready for the leap from high school level learning to more complex education that is offered in a university setting. Career readiness is also significant in the way that it helps students make informed decisions about their professional ambitions. Teaching students about their college and career options empowers them to be mindful of their future and as such, this sort of readiness lays the groundwork for successful livelihoods. 



Visit our TRUSD Graduation Requirement page for more information

Dual enrollment pathway

Dual enrollment pathway

Twin Rivers Unified School District has collaborated with American River College to create a Dual Enrollment Pathway. This pathways gives TR students the opportunity to earn college credit while simultaneously earning high school credits.
Visit our Dual Enrollment Pathway for more information

Department Contact Information Element


Carol Young
Counseling & College and Career Readiness Director
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33431


Vicky Gunter
Administrative Secretary 
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33424


Sarah Zare

Dual Enrollment Counselor

(916) 566-1600 ext. 33326


Program Specialist-CTE
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33328
CTE Counselor
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33329
Teacher, Work Experience
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33323