CTE District Advisory Committee
Purpose and Goals of CTE Advisory Committee
Purpose and Goals of CTE Advisory Committee
The Twin Rivers Unified School District Career/College Options Department is responsible for the development and implementation of career technical classes. According to federal and state guidelines these classes should be organized into a scope and sequence and meet industry standards. It is important for the CTE committee to be comprised of a variety of people including, but not limited to; business partners, community leaders, parents, students, educators and other interested parties. The committee will discuss awareness, recruitment, placement and retention of middle, high school and adult students in CTE classes; local labor market and school/business partnerships, career technical program updates, evaluation and funding will also be reviewed.
Individuals interested in participating in the CTE advisory meeting, please contact Arts and Career Education Dept., 566-1600
Individuals interested in participating in the CTE advisory meeting, please contact Arts and Career Education Dept., 566-1600

- Academics
- Assessment & Accountability
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Programs
- School Leadership
- Student Engagement