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Twin Rivers Unified School District

Twin Rivers Unified School District

Information about The english Language test (ELPaC)

Information about The english Language test (ELPaC)

The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California is used to measure how well students understand English when it is not their primary language. Information from the ELPAC helps your child’s teacher provide language and academic support.
The ELPAC is the state’s designated test of ELP. It is administered (1) as an initial assessment to newly enrolled students whose primary language is not English, as indicated on a home language survey (HLS); and (2) annually as a summative assessment to students who have been previously identified as EL students.
The Initial ELPAC has one purpose:
  • To identify students who are English learner students or are initial fluent English proficient (IFEP)
The Summative ELPAC has two purposes:
  • To determine the level of English language proficiency (ELP) of English learner students
  • To assess the progress of English learner students in acquiring the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English

ELPAC Resources for Parents

Starting Smarter families have a new website for resources to support their child ’s learning. The Starting Smarter website includes information on student score reports, sample test questions, parent-teacher conferences, and other no-cost resources in English and Spanish.
Parent Guide to Understanding – This guide provide parents with answers to key questions about the what, why, who, how, and when.
Informational Videos

Getting Familiar with the Test

Take a Practice Test with Your Child Flyer (PDF) – This flyer promotes the ELPAC practice tests and describes how they can be used by families.
ELPAC Practice Tests – This link accesses the practice tests portal. The practice test gives students, parents and families, teachers, administrators, and others an opportunity to become familiar with the types of test questions on the ELPAC. It includes examples of all of the types of test questions that may appear in the actual Summative ELPAC in each grade or grade span. In an actual test setting, an Examiner’s Manual, a Test Book, and/or an Answer Book are used. The test questions on the practice test are reproduced from these test materials.

Information about Student Scores


Date & Time: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at  5:30 PM
Languages: Spanish & Hmong
Description: Come learn how to support your students with tools they will need to get reclassified as English proficient. Parents will have an opportunity to review a sample of the questions that will be asked on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). In addition, the English Learner Services Department will provide updates for the 2020-2021 school year to support students and families.
Other workshop dates:
  • 10/5 @ 3:00 PM – Dari/Farsi/Russian
  • 10/7 @ 4:00 PM – Arabic/Pashto