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Translation & Interpreter Services

Translation and interpretation services are provided to the schools and offices of the Twin Rivers Unified School District so that families have equitable access to information and resources about their children's education. 
Type of Services
  • Interpretation Services -  Interpreters are needed for a meeting. Do you need to call a parent? If so, please use our over-the-phone services. 
  • Translation Services - Documents are needed to be translated to other language(s). *Remember to attach your document(s).
NOTE: If you are requesting for interpreting and/or translation for Adult Education or ECE programs, please contact the following:
Adam Jones, Office Manager
Twin Rivers Adult School, ext 25137
Anne DeCosta, Administrative Secretary
ECE State Programs, ext 32225
Mikako Fisher Hill, Principal at Morey Ave
ECE Head Start Programs, ext 22750
If you are a TRUSD employee and need translation and/or interpretation services for families at your school site, please complete the form below (employee login required). Once you log in, you can find the form in the Staff Room under Academics.> English Learner Services. 


Rafael Flores

Administrative Clerk Senior Bilingual
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33419