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Great achievement through enrichment (GATE) Program

Great achievement through enrichment (GATE) Program

The GATE program is a Tier 3 support for students who are identified as exhibiting characteristics of high performance in one or more academic areas and creative endeavors as compared to their peers. Students who are identified as GATE students will receive qualitatively differentiated programming that ranges in depth, complexity and acceleration. This programming is built with the purpose of challenging students beyond the scope of the core curriculum to develop advanced learners.
Important Dates

Important Dates

GATE Family/Teacher Referral Window.......9/30/2024-10/18/2024 


Permission Slips Sent Home for Testing........................ 10/21/2024


Permission Slips Due..............................................................11/8/2024


GATE Testing Window at Sites.............................12/2/2024-12/20/24


Results Sent to School Sites.........................Post-Testing, by 1/18/25

GATE Referrals

GATE Referrals

GATE Testing Permission Forms

GATE Testing Permission Forms

GATE Identification Process

GATE Identification Process

1. Teachers/Guardians refer students to the GATE program with GATE Placement Screening Referral Form Online
2. Guardians sign the permission for CogAT testing OR opt out of CogAT testing for the below-mentioned qualifiers
3. Students are tested at sites by the site GATE liaison, OR adhere to the below-mentioned qualifiers
Students can qualify for GATE based on their CogAT score, or a previously-approved means of demonstrating gifted abilities in content or creative areas. The CogAT is a 90-minute test that is administered at school sites as arranged by GATE site liaisons. The CogAT offers detailed information on students’ VerbalQuantitative, and Figural (Nonverbal) reasoning through multiple, engaging measures that reflect student potential for learning. Individual domain scores, partial composites, and complete test composites are available for every student that finishes the test, providing a multifaceted view of student ability.*
Qualifying With CogAT 
  • If a student tests at the 92nd percentile or above (Age Percentile Rank) in any SINGLE domain, then that student qualifies for GATE
  • OR, if a student has a score of Standard Exceeded on the CAASPP, PLUS a score of 89% or higher on the CogAT, then that student qualifies for GATE
Qualifying by Demonstrating Gifted Abilities 
  • In order to qualify without CogAT testing, an online referral form must be completed along with evidence of high achievement, high academic ability or giftedness in a non-academic area such as the arts
  • Panel identification
    • A student (or parent/guardian or teacher) submits a preliminary proposal outlining how the contents of a portfolio would demonstrate that the student's talent or ability was extraordinary for a person of the student's age/grade
    • Once the proposal is approved by a committee of the site's GATE liaison, one central office member, and site administrator(s), the student submits a portfolio which is then reviewed by the committee
4. Results are communicated to families by site GATE liaisons
GATE Supports

GATE Supports

California Association for the Gifted (CAG)
A mission driven, volunteer administered, non-profit organization whose membership of parents and educators work to promote the welfare and appropriate education of gifted students.
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
An advocacy group consisting of parents, professional educators and affiliate groups from the various states to support gifted education at the national level. 1707 L Street, NW, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036, (202)785-4268, FAX (202)785-4248
The Association for the Gifted (TAG)
A special interest group of the Council for Exceptional Children. An advocacy group which focuses on the needs of the gifted within the broader range of diverse and special needs children. 1110 North Globe Rd., Arlington, VA 22201-5704, (703)264- 9474 American Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) Established in the 1940s, one of the oldest advocacy groups for gifted children. The association has a role in the Presidential Scholars program which recognizes 141 outstanding high school graduates each year. Primarily through their publications and correspondence, this association promotes gifted awareness and supportive systems. Duke University, Box 90270, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0270, (919)783-6152.
Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF)
Gifted Homeschoolers Forum was formed to provide support, resources and community for the growing number of families who have chosen to home school their gifted and twice-exceptional children. P.O. Box 18865 San Jose, CA 95158.
Parents for Able Learner Students (PALS)
Dedicated to informing, educating, and supporting schools, parents, and teachers of gifted and able learner, children and youth. Able learners include gifted and talented children and youth, as well as other high ability learners, who by virtue of their exceptional potential and/or demonstrated excellence require special educational opportunities. Able learners of all ages have special abilities in any number of fields and may or may not be formally identified for gifted programs. PALS is an Affiliate of the National Association for Gifted Children( NAGC ).
Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
The mission of SENG is to improve the quality of life for gifted individuals so that they might appreciate, understand, and enjoy fully the intellectual and emotional talents they possess and the possibilities that lie within themselves.
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
An organization that works to network educators involved in gifted education around the world. National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children A non-profit foundation which provides free information and guidance to parents and educators of gifted and creative children. Incorporated in 1969, they focus on the problems of over-prescription of drugs to gifted and creative children. 395 Diamond Hill Road, Warwick, Rhode Island, 02886, (401)738-0937.
*Orange Unified SD 
Contact Us

Contact Us

If your site is not listed below, and you are interested in having a student receive testing for GATE, please contact:
Christine Flok
MTSS Coordinator
(916) 566-1600 ext.32239
Site GATE Liaison
Allison Elementary Barbara Heally
Babcock Elementary Xitlali Sedano Jimenez
Castori Elementary Jenny Brown
CCAA K-6 Sharonda Wilder
CCAA 7-12 Desire Deane-Hansen
Del Paso Heights Elementary Samantha Moore
Dry Creek Elementary Laura Reynaga
Eastside Natalie Rodriquez
Fairbanks Elementary Ron Ranagan
FC Joyce Johnnie Williams
Foothill High School Tim Trokey
Foothill Oaks Elementary Julie Brown
Foothill Ranch Middle School Sophea Ng
Frontier Elementary Cara Downey
Frontier Charter Devin Dragoo
Garden Valley Elementary
Jessica Hallett 
Carl Hardy
Grant High School
Carmen Herrera 
Allison Smith
Highlands High School Laura Satran
Hillsdale Elementary Roberta Raymond
Keema Robert Pope
Kohler Elementary (PreK-8) Leslie Huey
Las Palmas Elementary
Etelvina Carranza 
Elias Maldonado Carbajal
Madison Elementary Sal Garcia
Martin Luther King Middle School Leslie Addiego
Northlake 7-8 Timothy Keys
Northwood Hilari Talmige
Norwood Jr High Allison Smith
Oakdale Elementary (PreK-8) Linda Powell
Orchard Elementary (TK-8) Nicole Watte
Pioneer Elementary (TK-8) Megan Barr
Regency Park Frances Swanson
Ridgepoint Cynthia Ito
Rio Linda High School Jarrett Black
Rio Linda Prep Sharon Glover
Rio Tierra Jr. High Adam Sinor
Sierra View Elementary Linda West
Smythe 7/8 Karolee Smiley
Smythe Elementary Kristin Scott
Strauch Elementary Melissa Aguirre-Sanchez
Village Elementary (K-8) Bonnie Baker
Westside K-6 Elementary Joanna Sharlette
Westside Charter Kristina Planting
Woodlake Elementary Joshua Croft
Woodridge Elementary Joseph Phenneger