MTSS Toolkit
Within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, students, teachers, specialists, families, administration and community members come together in a systemic model to support the high achievement of all students. MTSS implements processes for identifying students' needs through universal screeners, and then, through Systems Thinking and an inquiry-model of problem solving, teams work together to identify
increasing levels of instructional time and intensity where the needs of all learners are identified and supported early and in a data-driven frame.
MTSS has a foundation of high-quality first instruction and use of data to provide targeted instruction, intervention and acceleration. This model for early intervention allows for increased supports, with gradual release, to foster independence and strong relationships between all of the stakeholders that support students in Twin Rivers.
Some of the resources below are ones that can guide the team with information, or can be used as templates.
Action |
Resources |
Reflect on Systems |
Gather Site Resources |
Gather Student Data |
Set Schedule
Action |
Resources |
Identify Area of Need |
Determine Targeted Instruction |
Determine an Intervention |
Monitor Progress and Goals |
Communicate with Families |
Plan for Transition |
Action |
Resources |
Review System for Intervention
Monitor for Fidelity |
(CICO, can be adapted to Tiered Intervention)