New Teacher Support
Leave Your Legacy - Become a Mentor
Leave Your Legacy - Become a Mentor
Leave Your Legacy - Become a Mentor
We seek teachers who have a:
- Minimum of 3 years teaching experience
- Clear Teaching Credential
- Administrator recommendation
- Desire to support new teachers
The Power of Mentoring
Research shows that new teachers who receive a more comprehensive package of supports, including the support of a mentor, achieve at higher levels on three outcomes:
- Job satisfaction, commitment, and retention
- Teaching practices and pedagogy
- Student achievement
There are many benefits to being a mentor. The New Teacher Support Department is dedicated to finding experienced Twin Rivers teachers to mentor our newest educators.
- New Teacher Support Google Site
New Teacher Support Google Site
Visit our New Teacher & Mentor Support Google Site:
On our site, you will find resources on teacher resiliency, professional learning, and links to our monthly newsletters. Check back frequently as we update monthly.
Marigold Moments
Experienced gardeners utilize companion gardening to improve the growth of their plants. This means they plant certain vegetables and plants near each other. Marigolds are one of the best companion plants. They help vegetables grow big, strong, and healthy.
Marigolds exist in Twin Rivers schools as well. They are our program mentors. They are our grade-level partners. They are our administrators, the custodian, secretary, or school librarian. Marigolds are all around us, and throughout the year, New Teacher Support will be reconginzing and celebrating the marigolds who support our newest Twin Rivers teachers through their first years of teaching.
Director of Instructional Implementation &
New Teacher Support
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34434
Program Specialist
(916) 566-1600 ext. 32222
Coordinator of New Teacher Support & Contractor Services Management
(916) 566-1600 ext. 32221
Administrative Clerk Senior
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34466