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Middle School Activities

Martin Luther King, Jr BSU meets Grant High School BSU

Martin Luther King, Jr BSU meets Grant High School BSU

Black Student Unions meet

Rio Tierra Jr High - Student of the Month Celebrations

Rio Tierra Jr High - Student of the Month Celebrations

Rio Tierra Student of the Month celebrations with family & staff
Rio Tierra Student of the Month celebrations with family & staff
Rio Tierra Student of the Month celebrations with family & staff
Rio Tierra Student of the Month celebrations with family & staff
Rio Tierra Jr High - Lunchtime Activities

Rio Tierra Jr High - Lunchtime Activities

Rio Tierra hosts activities during the lunch period
Rio Tierra hosts activities during the lunch period
Rio Tierra hosts activities during the lunch period
Rio Tierra hosts activities during the lunch period
Rio Tierra Jr High - Hour of Code

Rio Tierra Jr High - Hour of Code

Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Rio Tierra students participating in the Hour of Code
Martin Luther King, Jr First Day of School

Martin Luther King, Jr First Day of School

Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school
Students smiling on first day of school

Martin Luther King, Jr Hispanic Heritage Month Kick Off

Martin Luther King, Jr Hispanic Heritage Month Kick Off

MLK Hispanic Heritage Month Kick Off
Martin Luther King, Jr Latino Club

Martin Luther King, Jr Latino Club

Latino Club students learn other holiday traditions
Latino Club students learn other holiday traditions
Latino Club students learn other holiday traditions
Latino Club students learn other holiday traditions
Latino Club students learn other holiday traditions
Foothill Ranch Sports Day

Foothill Ranch Sports Day

Students wearing their favorite sports apparel

Smythe 7-8 Photo Booth

Smythe 7-8 Photo Booth

Smythe 7-8 students photo booth
Smythe 7-8 students photo booth
Smythe 7-8 students photo booth
Middle School Activity Directors

Middle School Activity Directors

Foothill Ranch Middle School
(916) 566-3440 ext. 20966
Martin Luther King Jr. Technology Academy
(916) 566-3490 ext. 22671
Norwood Jr. High School
(916) 566-2710 ext. TBD
Rio Linda Preparatory Academy
Eve Hogerheide
(916) 566-2720 ext. 23820
Rio Tierra Jr. High School
(916) 566-2730 ext. 24024
Smythe 7-8
(916) 566-3440 ext. 20905