Budget Services
The Fiscal Services team is committed to delivering exceptional customer service, maintaining the fiscal integrity of the district and providing each employee with the resources to inspire extraordinary achievement every day.
2024-25 Adopted Budget
2023-24 Unaudited Actuals Report
2024-25 Interim Reports
Budget Services Staff
Heather Brown
Director Budgetary Accounting
(916) 566-1600 ext. 31111
Jillmee Cha
Senior Budget Analyst
(916) 566-1600 ext. 31186
Teresa Garcia
Senior Budget Analyst
(916) 566-1600 ext. 31180
Nataliya Linevich
Senior Budget Analyst
(916) 566-1600 ext. 31185
Xue Her
Budget Analyst
(916) 566-1600 ext. 31178