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Twin Rivers Unified School District

Twin Rivers Unified School District

o dream is out of reach for Amber Hansen. The Twin Rivers Human Resources Technician – Senior has been chasing her dream of a college degree since high school graduation 21 years ago. After a long and arduous journey, she’s on track this year to receive her associate degree in psychology from American River College (ARC). Hansen plans to continue her education at Sacramento State to earn her bachelor’s degree.  
“I’m surprised at myself,” admits Hansen. “I was never really a good student in high school. Now I’m getting A’s and B’s and doing all the extra credit assignments. There are times when it has been frustrating and I was in tears trying to figure out how I was going to do this with four kids and working full time. But I just kept going. Having the support from my husband and family has been huge, along with the support from my colleagues in HR. People think what I’m doing is amazing, but it’s hard for me to think that way. I just think this is what I have to do for me and my family. I second guess myself a lot, but that’s where the support comes in to keep me going and staying on the right track.”
Hansen enrolled in community college right out of high school, taking night classes while working two jobs. By 2007, she quit. College was too overwhelming and exhausting after she got a full-time job. By 2010 she was married. Her son was born in 2012 and a daughter in 2014. Still, she never lost sight of her dream. Hansen was hired in 2015 as a HR Technician in Twin Rivers Unified. The desire to resume her studies persisted, and amidst the pandemic in 2020, Hansen returned to college, taking one class (virtual) at a time. She qualified for an ARC grant to help with school-related expenses. She also utilized the District’s Professional Growth Fund for classified employees. The fund provides permanent classified bargaining unit members reimbursement for professional growth expenditures, including college, home study courses and workshops. It’s part of the contract between the District and California School Employees Association (CSEA) Twin Rivers Chapter #1717.
Hansen says her college education would have been a lot more difficult without the fund. In 2020 her marriage ended. She was a single mom with two kids. Hansen has remarried, and her blended family includes two stepchildren. 
“I know about the Professional Growth Fund through my work in HR, but it didn’t cross my mind that I could utilize the fund,” says Hansen. “I was the one collecting transcripts and receipts from employees. I worked with CSEA setting up a committee to oversee the process. I was so busy taking care of others and wasn’t thinking about myself.”  
Vicky Gunter is president of CSEA Twin Rivers Chapter #1717. She would like to see more members use the fund for professional growth.
“I highly encourage our permanent classified bargaining unit members to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity,” says Gunter. “They can get reimbursed for a host of professional growth activities, including college classes, conferences, and workshops that will improve their skills in their current jobs. During the pandemic, a CSEA member with a master’s degree utilized the fund to earn an associate degree in microcomputer applications. That employee is now a classified manager. The Professional Growth Fund now pays up to $3,000 for tuition and books. Taking advantage of this can definitely open new possibilities for career advancement within the District. It’s a fantastic way to grow personally and professionally.”
For Hansen, her educational journey is not just about achieving personal goals; it’s also about setting an example for her children.
“Last spring, I took three classes,” says Hansen. “The hard part is I don’t want to miss time with my four kids. They’re all enrolled in TR schools. Three are honor roll students. It’s a busy life. Sports. Ballet. Field trips. Working full-time. Homework—and not just mine. When it’s time for me to walk across the stage to receive my ARC diploma, I want my children to understand they can overcome any obstacles and achieve anything they set their minds to. They can accomplish what the heart desires, but it takes hard work, perseverance, sacrifice and determination.”
(For more information about the Professional Growth Fund for CSEA members, contact Human Resources at 916.566.1600, ext. 32107)