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we are tr foundation, students standing and smiling
About We Are TR Foundation
We Are TR Foundation is a California non-profit organization that raises charitable funds to support activities, programs and facilities for all of the schools operating within Twin Rivers Unified School District. The Foundation provides financial assistance to teachers, administrators and students in the form of grants, scholarship, studies and programs, and materials and equipment. Funding from the Foundation helps provide further enrichment and education opportunities for students through the generosity of community members. Generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths and political views together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on.


How to Contribute:
You can donate to the We Are TR Foundation online or via check.
Online donations are accepted through our PayPal account.
We Are TR Foundation QR Code                           
Check contributions for We Are TR Foundation can be mailed to:
We are TR Foundation
3222 Winona Way
North Highlands, CA 95660-5508
Federal Tax ID: 47-1055946
twin Rivers employees

twin Rivers employees

How to Contribute:
To automatically make a monthly donation from your paycheck, please complete the following form here:
Or scan QR Code:
TR Employee QR Code for monthly paycheck deduction for We Are TR Foundation
To stop monthly donations, please complete the following form at:
student with laptop and backpack smiling

Help us reach our goal of $40,000 in student scholarships this year!