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Bond Oversight Meeting

Bond Oversight Meeting

Bond Oversight Committee meetings are postponed as all funds from the previous bond measures have been expended.  Meetings will resume when another bond measure is passed.
Bond Oversight Committee

Bond Oversight Committee

On July 15, 2008, the Board of Trustees adopted Resolution No. 31, dissolving all existing merged District's Bond Oversight Committees and establishing a Twin Rivers Unified School District Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee.
According to Prop 39 requirements, the Committee must comprise at least seven members who fit into the specified categories, which are:
  • One (1) member who is a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District.
  • One (1) member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District.
  • One (1) member active in a senior citizen's organization
  • One (1) member active in a bona-fide taxpayers association.
  • One (1) member who is both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teach organization, such as the Parent-Teacher Association or a school site council.
Two (2) members of the community at-large appointed by the Board.
Public notification about the formation of this new Bond Oversight Committee was sent on September 9, 2008 by letter.  Copies of the application for the Bond Oversight Committee were also posted on the TRUSD website.
Bond Oversight Committee Member Application

Bond Oversight Committee Member Application

Bond Oversight Committee Member Applications are now being accepted to fill one vacant seat.  Application filing period is February 9, 2016 through end of business day March 18, 2016.  The Board of Trustees will make the appointment at its regularly scheduled board meeting on April 5, 2016.