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Leave Types

PDL is a California law granting leave to employees disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition as determined by a healthcare provider. The length of PDL is determined by your attending physician, usually 6 weeks after the birth of the baby. Complications or Cesarean deliveries may necessitate longer leaves. Employees need not meet any eligibility criteria. Employees receive pay using their own sick leave, extended sick leave, or vacation, if applicable.  PDL and FMLA run concurrently, not consecutively.
FMLA is a federal law.  Eligible employees may take up to a total of 12 workweeks of continuous or intermittent leave during any 12-month period. FMLA may be used to take leave for the serious health condition of the employee, child, parent, or spouse.  Leave may be taken for up to 26 workweeks when used to care for a family member who is a military servicemember/veteran and has suffered a serious illness or injury in the line of active duty.
FMLA is available to employees with at least 12 months of employment with Twin Rivers and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12-month period immediately preceding commencement of leave.
Employees receive pay using their own sick leave, extended sick leave, or vacation, if applicable. Extended Sick Leave does not pay for leave taken to care for a family member.
NOTE:  Employees who do not qualify for FMLA, may still take a medical leave of absence.
CFRA medical leave is a California law that mirrors FMLA, but includes leave to care for a child of any age, spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, parent-in-law, grandparent, or grandchild with a serious health condition.
CFRA is available to employees with at least 12 months of employment with Twin Rivers and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12-month period immediately preceding commencement of leave.
Employees receive pay using their own sick leave, extended sick leave, or vacation, if applicable. Extended Sick Leave does not pay for leave taken to care for a family member.
NOTE:  Employees who do not qualify for CFRA, may still take a medical leave of absence.
CFRA Parental Leave grants up to 12 workweeks of child-bonding leave.  Leave must conclude by the child’s first birthday or the first anniversary of the placement for adoption or foster care.  Leave must be taken in blocks of at least two weeks duration, except on two occasions, unless your supervisor agrees to a different schedule.
CFRA is available to employees with at least 12 months of employment with Twin Rivers with no minimum hours worked.
Employees receive pay using their own sick leave, extended sick leave, or vacation, if applicable.
Medical leave of absence is the term used for employees who do not qualify for or have exhausted PDL, FMLA, and/or CFRA leaves.  Medical leave may be taken for the employee, or an immediate family as defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement.  The length of a medical leave of absence is determined by a healthcare provider and the availability of an employee’s paid or unpaid leave.
Employees receive pay using their own sick leave, extended sick leave, or vacation, if applicable. Extended Sick Leave does not pay for leave taken to care for a family member.

Requesting Leave

Medical Certification

Paid Leave Options

Return to Work


Workers' Compensation
