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EMPLOYMENT OR SALARY verification - Experian VERIFY

EMPLOYMENT OR SALARY verification - Experian VERIFY

To streamline and make the employment verification process more secure, Twin Rivers has partnered with Experian Employer Services' Experian Verify.   
If you receive a request for verification of current or former employment or salary, please direct the requestor to the Experian Verify website: to complete the verification process.  
Employees can access their own verification records and obtain a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Employment Certification Form (if applicable) by visiting:  
If you have questions regarding the portal, contact Experian Verify at 1-404-382-5400, option 2 or via email at  
For employment history prior to July 1, 2008: 
  • Employment verification: contact Human Resources
    • Classified:  
    • Certificated:  
  • Salary verification: contact Payroll and Benefits   
For verification of certificated years of experience: contact Human Resources
Employee Portal Instructions