Substitute Services

guest educator & guest Support staff online resources
guest educator & guest Support staff online resources
guest educator & guest Support staff online resources
- Guest Staff Survey - Please let us know how we can make your Guest Educator and Guest Support Staff experiences the best, or if you just want to give Sub Services a shout out!
- Sub Hub (Certificated-Guest Educators)
- Paraeducator Orientation (Classified-Guest Support Staff)
- TRUSD Math Resources
- Professional Development Presentation
payroll FORMS and information
payroll FORMS and information
payroll FORMS and information
- Payroll and Benefits Contact List - For questions regarding your paycheck, timesheet, or any other payroll-related item, please contact the Payroll & Benefits Department. Your payroll technician is found by the first initial of your last name.
- Sick Leave Request Form - To request to use Paid Sick Leave complete and submit the form.
- Provide the Red Rover assignment number for the job that you are turning down.
- Please make sure you have earned sick leave prior to completing the form (this can be confirmed via your paystub, which can be found through Employee Self Service).
- Employee Self Service - For questions please contact payroll directly 916-566-1801.
- Substitute Salary Schedule
- Certificated Guest Educator - Please review the substitute salary schedule for appropriate rate.
- Classified Guest Support Staff - Please review Appendix A of the CSEA Salary Schedule to find the classification and Appendix B for the appropriate rate.
- Substitute Police Services - Please review the TRSPA Salary Schedule for the correct rate for the classification
- Substitute Timesheet (Submit)
- Timesheet Instructions - Remember to submit separate timesheets each time you are working at a different school site or department during the same pay period.
- Timesheet Due Dates
Absence management (red rover)
Absence management (red rover)
Absence management (red rover)
- Red Rover - To find Red Rover from the District website, please go to Quicklinks>Absence Management (Red Rover), or sign in to the Staff Room and go to Online Resources>Absence Management (Red Rover).
- Red Rover Basics
- Substitute Quick Start Guide
TRUSD Policies and Standards
TRUSD Policies and Standards
TRUSD Policies and Standards
- As a TRUSD Guest Educator and/or Guest Support Staff you are responsible for abiding by the content of these policies:
- Bullying - BP 5131.2
- Professional Standards (CA Professional Standardsfor Educational Leaders) - BP 4319.21
- Civility Policy - BP 1313
- Professional Standards (Code of Ethics of the Education Profession) - BP 4119.21
- Complaints Concerning District Employees - BP 1312.1
- Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace - BP 4020
- Employees with Infectious Disease - BP 4119.41, 4219.41, 4319.41
- Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens - BP 4119.42, 4219.42, 4319.42
- Nondiscrimination In Employment - BP 4030
- Nondiscrimination/Harassment (Students) - BP 5145.3
- Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment - BP 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11
- Tobacco-Free Schools - BP 3513.3
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312.3, AR 1312.3
- Universal Precautions - BP 4119.43, 4219.43, 4319.43
- Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - E 1312.4
- California Law requires all newly hired staff to complete annual mandated training within 30 days of employment and annually thereafter, at the start of each school year. Public School Works is the application used to complete the required trainings. Please review the log in instructions online:
- Human Resources
- AB2534 Request
- Coaches
- Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Contact Us
- Disability Management
- Employee Quick Links
- Employee Work Calendars
- Employment
- HR Forms & Verification of Employment/Salary
- Job Descriptions
- Negotiations Updates
- Recruitment and Retention
- Salary Schedules
- Substitute Services
- Title IX and Compliance
- Volunteers/Chaperones
- Wellness Resources