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Twin Rivers Unified School District

Twin Rivers Unified School District

cyber security and padlock

Secure Our World - Cybersecurity TIPS

Secure Our World - Cybersecurity TIPS

Phishing attacks continue to pose a significant threat to organizations worldwide. These attacks can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and damage to our reputation. However, with your help, we can strengthen our defenses.
If you ever receive an email that seems suspicious, requests sensitive information, or simply feels "off," please do not hesitate to report it immediately by using the Report Suspicious Report Suspicious option in your Outlook desktop app or Outlook on the web toolbar. Reporting phishing emails promptly allows us to:
  • Mitigate Risk: Identifying and responding to phishing attacks early helps us minimize potential damage and protect our data.
  • Learn from Incidents: Each reported phishing attempt provides us with valuable information to improve our security measures and awareness programs.
  • Protect Your Colleagues: Reporting a phishing email can prevent it from reaching other colleagues, helping to safeguard their accounts and information.
Addtional Tips:
  • Use Strong Passwords
  • Enable Multifactor Authentication
  • Recognize and Report Phishing
  • Update Your Software
Remember, your vigilance is a crucial component of our overall cybersecurity posture. Thank you for your commitment to our shared cybersecurity. Together, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone at Twin Rivers!
If it looks phisy, it probably is