Board Meetings

We encourage families and members of the public to attend our Board Meetings. Board Meetings are typically held on a bi-monthly basis on Tuesdays, beginning at 6 pm for closed session and 6:30 pm for open session unless posted otherwise on the Board Meeting agenda. Noted on the agenda are approximate times. The Board may adjust the time or sequence of agenda items during the meeting. Regular Board Meetings shall be adjourned by 10:30 pm unless extended to a specific time determined by a majority of the Board. The meeting shall be extended no more than once and subsequently may be adjourned to a later date (Board Bylaw 9323). An audio recording of Board Meetings may be made. PowerPoint presentations will not be accepted by members of the public at Board Meetings without prior approval by the Superintendent or Board of Trustees. If you have any questions regarding Board Meetings, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (916) 566-1745.
Board Meeting Schedule
Board Meeting Schedule
Board Meeting Schedule
Meeting agendas
Meeting agendas
Meeting agendas
We host our Board Meeting agendas on CSBA's GAMUT Meetings platform (July 2020 - Present).
GAMUT Meetings has a feature that uses Google Translate to translate the agenda and item contents into over 100 languages, excluding attachments. To select a language, click on the translate button on the top right-hand corner of the platform.

Additionally, the district provides the agendas with item quick summaries translated into Spanish and Pashto by district staff. To access the Spanish and Pashto agendas, select a meeting and scroll to the last item on the agenda titled “Multilingual Agenda.” After clicking on the item title, you will be able to open the Spanish or Pashto agenda attachment.
Ways to view board meetings
Ways to view board meetings
Ways to view board meetings
Virtual/Livestream Participation:
Our school board meetings are live-streamed and recorded on the Twin Rivers YouTube channel. Each meeting live stream will launch live five minutes before the meeting.
Our school board meetings are live-streamed and recorded on the Twin Rivers YouTube channel. Each meeting live stream will launch live five minutes before the meeting.
Click below to view Special Board Meeting, 03/18/2025: Participation:
Members of the public may attend in person at the Twin Rivers Unified School District Office (5115 Dudley Blvd, McClellan Park, CA 95652).
public comments
public comments
public comments
Public comments will be considered at the appropriate time on the agenda. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Board; generally, members of the public will be limited to a maximum of two (2) minutes.
Virtual: The public can provide live comments in a virtual format. Please click here for directions to pre-register to make a live comment. You must register to comment at least one hour before the start of each board meeting.
In-person: The public can provide comments in person by submitting a green public comment card to the Clerk of the Board by the start of each meeting.
- Spanish
- Pashto
Las reuniones virtuales del Consejo Directivo de Twin Rivers se transmitirán en vivo en el Canal Youtube de Twin Rivers. Si bien las reuniones se realizarán en YouTube, no se publicarán en el sitio web de la reunión de la Meza Directiva. La transmisión en vivo de YouTube se publicará en el canal de YouTube de Twin Rivers al menos 30 minutos antes de que comience cada reunión.
Nuevo proceso de comentarios públicos: a partir de la Reunión Virtual de la Meza Directiva del 25 de mayo de 2021, el público podrá proporcionar comentarios en vivo en un formato virtual. Dado el cambio en el nuevo proceso en vivo, haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones para pre registrarse para hacer un comentario en vivo. Sus comentarios serán considerados en el momento apropiado en la agenda.
Para escuchar la traducción simultánea de la reunión del Consejo Directivo de Twin Rivers, puedes unirte a la teleconferencia de traducción en español al llamar al (916) 566-1799 y oprimir el código: 600-642-81#.
Por favor apague el micrófono de su teléfono para no interrumpir al intérprete y permitir que todos los demás participantes puedan escuchar la traducción.
Las reuniones regulares virtuales de la Meza Directiva escolar de Twin Rivers se transmitirán en vivo en el Canal YouTube de Twin Rivers el día de la reunión de la Meza Directiva. Haga clic aquí para ver un calendario de las próximas reuniones.
Haga clic a continuación para ver la Reunión Especial del Consejo Directivo, 03/18/2025: es una persona con una discapacidad que necesita adaptaciones especiales para participar, comuníquese con antes de las 2 p.m. el día de la reunión de la junta.
All Board meeting agendas and minutes will include the following statement in English, Spanish, and Pashto.
Translations of board meetings or interpretations at Board meetings will be provided by qualified interpreters and are available upon request. To request these translation/interpretation services please contact: in the English Learner Services Department at (916) 566-1600, ext. 33419.
- Spanish
- Pashto
Todas las agendas y las minutas de las reuniones de la junta directiva incluirán la siguiente declaración en inglés, español, ruso y en hmong:
Las traducciones de las reuniones de la junta directiva o las interpretaciones en las reuniones de la junta directiva serán proporcionadas por intérpretes calificados y están disponibles bajo petición. Para solicitar estos servicios de traducción / interpretación póngase en contacto con: Alex Pina, secretaria del departamento de servicios de aprendices de inglés, al (916) 566-1600, ext. 33425 o por correo electrónico a
Las traducciones de las reuniones de la junta directiva o las interpretaciones en las reuniones de la junta directiva serán proporcionadas por intérpretes calificados y están disponibles bajo petición. Para solicitar estos servicios de traducción / interpretación póngase en contacto con: Alex Pina, secretaria del departamento de servicios de aprendices de inglés, al (916) 566-1600, ext. 33425 o por correo electrónico a
Disability-Related Accommodations at Board Meetings
Disability-Related Accommodations at Board Meetings
Disability-Related Accommodations at Board Meetings
If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at (916) 566-1745 at least 24 hours before the scheduled Board meeting. [Government Code §54954.2] [Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, §202.]
Board meeting agendas archive
Board meeting agendas archive
Board meeting agendas archive