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Twin Rivers Unified School District

Twin Rivers Unified School District

About Us

The Twin Rivers Unified School District Police Department is one of a handful of specialized K-12 police agencies in California. The Department works 24/7 with a focus on students, staff, schools, and safety/security, and serves more than 25,000 students, faculty, and staff at more than 50 schools in the Northern Sacramento area. Police Services also provides services to the Center Unified School District and Elverta School District. Authorized staffing includes 1 Chief of Police, 1 Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, 16 Police Officers/SRO's, 5 Police Dispatchers, 1 Records/Evidence Clerk, 1 Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police and 5 Reserve Police Officers. Sworn personnel of the Department are peace officers pursuant to Penal Code 830.32 and Education Code 38000 . The Department has been certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training since 2008.

Chief of Police David A. Lugo

Chief of Police
Welcome to the webpage of the Twin Rivers Unified School District Police Department. I hope the information contained within this site will help you become more familiar with our agency and assist you with communication with our staff.

The safety and security of the Twin Rivers Unified School District family, to include our students, parents, staff, and community is our primary mission. As a specialized law enforcement agency dedicated to our schools, we strive to provide an ideal environment in which quality education and learning can take place everyday. In embracing our Districts Focus Goals of Unparalleled Student Achievement, Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness, and Engagement and Outreach, we encourage the active participation and input from our school and community stakeholders.

The Twin Rivers Unified School District Police Department continually works to earn and maintain our student, staff, parents, and public’s trust, through transparency and customer-focused service. Our staff appreciate the ideas, perspectives, and values of the diverse population we serve.

On behalf of the men and women of the Twin Rivers Unified School District Police Department, I thank you in advance for partnering with us, and allowing us to serve each of you.

“Success Nothing Less”

David A. Lugo
Chief of Police

Communication Center



What role does a Police Dispatcher play in the safety of our students and what services do they provide?
  • They are available 24/7 
  • They are the central communications hub for emergencies services in the District
  • Provides 24/7 video monitoring
  • Provides 24/7 burglary alarm and fire alarm monitoring
  • Call taking 
  • Dispatch Police officers to calls for service
  • Conducts records checks for wanted persons
  • Process critical and confidential reports
  • Process criminal and information reports
  • Gathers information and disseminates the information accordingly



K-9 Unit


Canine Unit History

The Twin Rivers Unified School District Police K9 unit was first proposed in 2009 out of a need and desire to find created ways to protect our students and staff. July 2010 the K9 program was funded and a long and intensive search began as the District sought to find the perfect canine for our specific needs. These needs included the up-most stable canine who can be trusted around our students with a high drive to work.  

In January 2011 the District located their canine after 6 months of search and testing many canines. By March 2011 K9 Jag was certified as a dual-purpose canine. As a dual-purpose K9, Jag was able to apprehend suspects and detect dangerous drugs. 

January 20th, 2016 K9 Jag was tragically killed in the line of duty during his annual certification. 

July 2017 the District funded a new K9 team. The District set out seeking a new K9. In September 2017 K9 Bailey was selected to join the Twin Rivers Unified School District Police Department as a detection K9. K9 Bailey and her handler can be seen out in our school communities making positive impacts on our students.
August 31, 2023 K9 Bailey retired. A new handler was selected and a search for a new canine began.
September 23, 2023 K9 Koda and his handler, Officer D. Price graduated from a intensive K9 detection academy. K9 Koda is a chocolate lab, who specializes in narcotics and firearm detection. 

K9 Koda Corporal D. Price

Policy & Procedures Manuals

Records Unit



All documents residing within a law enforcement agency are privileged and controlled by law. Authority to release these records is through the Custodian of Records. Disclosure/non-disclosure of documents is based on a "right and need to know" as determined by law. The release of documents maintained by this department are governed by legal statutes, depending on the type of record, as well as the current disposition. 
You will be contacted and notified if your report request was approved. If the request was approved you can pick up the report. There is no fee for obtaining a copy of your report.
Juvenile records are confidential under state and local law and cannot be released without a court order. In order to obtain information regarding a juvenile case you must file a formal request with the Sacramento County Superior Court Monday - Friday, 8:00AM to 4:00PM.
To request a report or email for more information.


There is no fee for obtaining copies of reports. Must bring valid photo identification when requesting a report. 

Resources and Links


Addiction Support Services

Project Lifelong

  • Our mission is to engage Sacramento area youth through unique and experiential-based programming designed to empower futures, instill leadership skills, and create greater opportunities for lifelong success, good health, and well-being. Our core programs include Skate Nights (skateboarding program on school campuses), Team Lifelong (High school leadership program), and *Project Awareness (an intervention program for youth who need extra support).
  • Project Lifelong Website

Project Awareness

  • Project Awareness addresses unhealthy behaviors in underserved, disconnected youth and provides them opportunities to learn skills and gain experiences that contribute to more positive lifestyles while enhancing their capacity to make healthier lifelong choices. Our online Community Referral system is designed to help parents, school staff, mental health professionals, law enforcement, etc., gain access to programs and services, such as the SHOCK program.

School Resource Officer by Location


Who is my school Resource Officer?

Grant Union High School
Officer A. Ortega
Foothill High School
Officer D. Felice
Highlands High School
Officer C. Aguilera
Pacific High School
Currently backfilled by Patrol Officers
Rio Linda High School
Officer B. Preston
Vista Nueva High School
Officer T. Usher
Center Unified School District (Contracted Services)
Officer J. Brito

Training Resources



This bill would, commencing January 1, 2020, require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and each local law enforcement agency to conspicuously post on their Internet Web sites all current standards, policies, practices, operating procedures, and education and training materials that would otherwise be available to the public if a request was made pursuant to the California Public Records Act. By imposing this requirement on local law enforcement agencies, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.


The State of California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General web page publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to California information systems used by the Twin Rivers USD Police Department on their web page HERE.
These topics include but are not limited to;
California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System Policies, Practices and Procedures (and Statutes) Manual encompassing Criminal History, Restraining Order, Automated Property, Automated Firearms, Stolen Vehicles, and Missing Persons systems.Instructions for reporting use of force incidents to the California Department of Justice and Record Sealing Handbook.
The State of California Office of Emergency Services web page publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to emergency management used by the Twin Rivers USD Police Department on their web page HERE.
These topics include by are not limited to:
  • ICS Training Requirements and Guidance
  • SEMS Training Requirements and Guidance
  • NIMS Training Requirement and Guidance
  • School Emergency Planning and Safety
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation web page publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to national criminal information systems and other information used by the Twin Rivers USD Police Department on their web page HERE.
Topics include but are not limited to: 
  • Criminal Justice Information System
  • Domestic Terrorism
  • Interstate Identification Index
  • National Crime Information Center
  • Uniform Crime Reporting 
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to traffic safety used by the Twin Rivers USD Police Department on their web page HERE
The U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to narcotic safety used by the Twin Rivers USD Police Department on their web page HERE.


The Twin Rivers USD Police Department utilizes several different agencies to provide training both on site and remotely. Specific information regarding class descriptions can be found on the web page links provided below. These agencies include but are not limited to: 

Join Our Team!





  • Uniform Allowance
    • Police Officer $66.67 monthly
    • Police Dispatchers $33.30 monthly 
  • Education Incentives
    • 2.5% for an AA/AS Degree
    • 5% for a BA/BS Degree (not to exceed a total of 5% if AA also earned) 
  • P.O.S.T. Incentive Pay
    • Basic POST $75.00 per month
    • Intermediate POST $125.00 per month
    • Advanced POST $200.00 per month 
  • Longevity Pay
    • Longevity increments are equal to two and one-half percent (2.5%)
    • After completion of ten (10) years of continuous service- one (1) increment
    • After completion of fifteen (15) years of continuous service- one (1) additional increment
    • After completion of twenty (20) years of continuous service- one (1) additional increment
    • After completion of twenty-five (25) years of continuous service- one (1) additional increment

  • Specialty Pay
    • Corporal $300 monthly
    • F.T.O $2.50 per hour while training
    • Bilingual $25 monthly
    • Certified EMT $25 monthly



Police Services Recruiters

Email your question(s) to:
Police Recruiter
Officer David Price
Dispatch Recruiter
Officer Elizabeth Lopez Ortiz
Department Contact Information Element


David A. Lugo
Chief of Police
Arlin Kocher
Tawny Kerley
Administrative Assistant I



Sergeant B. Rahlf
Assigned to supervise City SRO's, patrol officers and fleet management.
Sergeant P. McCoy
Assigned to supervise County SRO's, Contract Districts and K9 Program.
Sergeant G. Pope

School Resource & Patrol Officers

  • Corporal C. Yen
  • Corporal D. Price
  • Officer N. Ahmed
  • Officer A. Brown
  • Officer J. Brito
  • Officer D. Felice
  • Officer A. Ortega
  • Officer B. Preston
  • Officer A. Ruiz
  • Officer T. Usher
  • Officer C. Aguilera
  • Officer A. Saucedo
  • Officer J. Zamudio
  • Officer A. Kumar
Reserve Police Officers
  • Officer A. Ivanov
  • Officer J. Verdin
  • Officer T. Key
  • Officer W. Wetzel
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