EMERGENCY DIAL 911 or 24 Hour POLICE Dispatch 916.566.2777
EMERGENCY DIAL 911 or 24 Hour POLICE Dispatch 916.566.2777
EMERGENCY DIAL 911 or 24 Hour POLICE Dispatch 916.566.2777
- About Us
- Chief of Police David A. Lugo
- Communication Center
- Forms
- K-9 Unit
- Policy & Procedures Manuals
About Us
The Twin Rivers Unified School District Police Department is one of a handful of specialized K-12 police agencies in California. The Department works 24/7 with a focus on students, staff, schools, and safety/security, and serves more than 25,000 students, faculty, and staff at more than 50 schools in the Northern Sacramento area. Police Services also provides services to the Center Unified School District and Elverta School District. Authorized staffing includes 1 Chief of Police, 1 Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, 16 Police Officers/SRO's, 5 Police Dispatchers, 1 Records/Evidence Clerk, 1 Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police and 5 Reserve Police Officers. Sworn personnel of the Department are peace officers pursuant to Penal Code 830.32 and Education Code 38000 . The Department has been certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training since 2008.
Chief of Police David A. Lugo
Communication Center
K-9 Unit
Policy & Procedures Manuals
- Records Unit
- Resources and Links
- School Resource Officer by Location
- Training Resources
- Join Our Team!
- Questions?
Records Unit
All documents residing within a law enforcement agency are privileged and controlled by law. Authority to release these records is through the Custodian of Records. Disclosure/non-disclosure of documents is based on a "right and need to know" as determined by law. The release of documents maintained by this department are governed by legal statutes, depending on the type of record, as well as the current disposition.
You will be contacted and notified if your report request was approved. If the request was approved you can pick up the report. There is no fee for obtaining a copy of your report.
Juvenile records are confidential under state and local law and cannot be released without a court order. In order to obtain information regarding a juvenile case you must file a formal request with the Sacramento County Superior Court Monday - Friday, 8:00AM to 4:00PM.
To request a report https://lfweb.twinriversusd.org/Forms/PoliceRequest or email police.records@trusd.net for more information.
Juvenile records are confidential under state and local law and cannot be released without a court order. In order to obtain information regarding a juvenile case you must file a formal request with the Sacramento County Superior Court Monday - Friday, 8:00AM to 4:00PM.
To request a report https://lfweb.twinriversusd.org/Forms/PoliceRequest or email police.records@trusd.net for more information.
There is no fee for obtaining copies of reports. Must bring valid photo identification when requesting a report.
Resources and Links
School Resource Officer by Location
Training Resources
Join Our Team!
- Supervisors
- School Resource & Patrol Officers
Sergeant B. Rahlf
Assigned to supervise City SRO's, patrol officers and fleet management.
Sergeant P. McCoy
Assigned to supervise County SRO's, Contract Districts and K9 Program.
Sergeant G. Pope
School Resource & Patrol Officers
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