Vision Statement
Mission Statement
The TRUSD school counseling program provides a structured program of services to all students and the school community; to enable all students to acquire self-knowledge, educational, and college and career competencies necessary to function and contribute to a changing society.

Twin rivers unified school district Tk-8 counseling monthly themes
- Elementary Counselors
- K-8 Counselors
- Middle School Counselors
- 9-12 Counselors
- Counseling Consent and Referral Forms
Elementary Counselors
K-8 Counselors
Middle School Counselors
9-12 Counselors
Counseling Consent and Referral Forms
Carol Young
Counseling & College and Career Readiness Director
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33113
Megan Burke
Counseling & College and Career Readiness Counselor
(916) 566-1600 ext: 33517
Vicky Gunter
Administrative Secretary
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33424
Mental Health and wellness Resources