Emergency Numbers
Suicide Prevention Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255
- The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones - suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
California Youth Crisis Line
- (800-843-5200 (24-Hour Crisis Line)
- Crisis phone counseling, information, and referrals for all problems, ages 12-24. Bilingual available. Chat and email too. calyouth.org/cycl/
Text HOPE to 916-668-4226
- From anywhere, anytime, about any type of challenge or struggle.
Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741
- Provides free, 24/7 support via text message—anxiety, depression, suicide, school. www.crisistextline.org/text-us/
The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386
- Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention to LGBTQ people aged 13-24 Call 866-488-7386 https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
CPS Child Protective Services 916-875-kids
- Protective Services is the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California
- Calm app-meditation and sleep aid app - calm.com/
- Head space app-meditation and sleep - headspace.com/
- Stop, breathe & think app-meditation tuned to your feelings stopbreathethink.com/meditations/
California Parent and Youth Helpline
- The California Department of Social Services is supporting Parents Anonymous in the launch of the new California Parent and Youth Helpline, which provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages. For more information, please visit https://caparentyouthhelpline.org/
- Students/Families
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
- Parent Resources
- Special Projects
- Student Services
- Child Welfare and Attendance
- Homeless Education
- Complaints and Inquiries
- Counseling
- Foster Youth Services
- Gender Equity/Title IX
- Health Services
- Back to School Health
- Covid and Flu Information
- Dental Resources
- Drugs, Opioids, and Fentanyl - What can parents do?
- Emergency Numbers
- Free Bicycle Helmets
- Health Care and Clinic Information
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Mental Health & Wellness
- School Nurses
- Teen Health
- Tobacco Use Prevention
- WSCC & Wellness Policy
- Library Media Services
- Paper (Tutoring Service)
- WIN Academy