Tobacco Use Prevention
Tobacco use prevention education (Tupe) Program
Tobacco use prevention education (Tupe) Program
Tobacco use prevention education (Tupe) Program
The Tobacco Use Prevention Education grant is funded by Proposition 56 and 99 which allocates funds to school districts to provide programs to mitigate and prevent youth tobacco use and potential pathways to other harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs and prescription medication. Twin Rivers Unified School District offers the following programs and services to create a fun and safe learning environment to inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day:
Teen Intervene – Intervention counseling for students experiencing substance abuse/addiction
Project Alert – A drug prevention curriculum taught to all 7th and 8th grade students
Catch My Breath - A vaping prevention curriculum taught to all 6th grade students
Red Ribbon Week (October 23rd - 31st annually) – All students participate in school wide activities surrounding drug awareness
Club Live – Middle school student leaders that work with adults to increase drug awareness
Friday Night Live – High school student leaders that work with adults to increase drug awareness
Friday Night Live Mentoring - High school student leaders mentor middle school students regarding alochol, tobacco, vaping, and other dugs.
California Healthy Kids Survey – A risky behavior needs assessment for 6th-12th grade students
Tobacco Free Generations – A tobacco prevention curriculum for pregnant and parenting teens
Don’t Buy The Lie Poster Contest – Anti tobacco poster contest provided by Kaiser Permanente.
Kick It California – A free cessation referral which helps students quit vaping or smoking.
Care Solace – A mental health referral resource that navigates the health care system to find the best providers on a family based income sliding scale.

Vaping Prevention: A Remote-Learning Curriculum
Vaping Prevention: A Remote-Learning Curriculum
Vaping Prevention: A Remote-Learning Curriculum
The Vaping Prevention: A Remote-Learning Curriculum addresses the health risks of using e-cigarettes/vapes, including JUUL and Puff Bar; the increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection for e-cigarette/vape users; and marketing tactics used by nicotine companies to target youth. We also include an accompanying student assignment. The entire new curriculum is on the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit.
Parent Resources
Parent Resources
Parent Resources
Sacramento County Coalition for Youth
Greater Sacramento Smoke & Tobacco Free Coalition
Substance Use Prevention Education
Parent Awareness - Tobacco & Nicotine Factsheets
Online Courses for Parents and Teens
How To Talk With Your Child About Vaping
TRUSD Mental Health & Wellness
Brother Be Well
Indian Health Services
Chapter Challenge Winners
Chapter Challenge Winners
Chapter Challenge Winners
Congratulations to Eastside Charter’s Club Live Leadership prevention program as Sacramento County Office of Education recognized it for winning 1st place in the Chapter Challenge, for all of Sacramento County, during the 2022-2023 school year.
Club Live is a SCOE supported Leadership program where students work together with teachers or counselors at their school to promote healthy and safe learning environments. Club Live students plan prevention activities to educate their peers and community members regarding the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, vaping and other drugs.
The Chapter Challenge is a friendly competition, which uses a point system for meetings, activities, attendance and participation. The competition is designed to help chapter leaders be successful, set goals, build leadership skills, and learn to work cohesively with their peers.
- Students/Families
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
- Parent Resources
- Special Projects
- Student Services
- Child Welfare and Attendance
- Homeless Education
- Complaints and Inquiries
- Counseling
- Foster Youth Services
- Gender Equity/Title IX
- Health Services
- Back to School Health
- Covid and Flu Information
- Dental Resources
- Drugs, Opioids, and Fentanyl - What can parents do?
- Emergency Numbers
- Free Bicycle Helmets
- Health Care and Clinic Information
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Mental Health & Wellness
- School Nurses
- Teen Health
- Tobacco Use Prevention
- WSCC & Wellness Policy
- Library Media Services
- Paper (Tutoring Service)
- WIN Academy