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Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Committee is a collaboration between multiple disciplines with the Twin Rivers Unified School District as well as with multiple community partners. 
WSCC follows the CDC guidelines outlined HERE.
WSCC meetings are held 4 times per year. All meetings are open to the public, and any TRUSD community member is welcome to attend.Click the meeting date to join.
WSCC Nutrition


  • TRUSD Nutrition Services ensures the best possible meals are available to our students. Menus are designed to not only align with guidelines, but to appeal to all ages. See menus here
  • Programs like Harvest of the Month, Campus Farmer's Market and skill-based nutrition education enhance our nutrition services to school sites.
  • Other programs like Farm to School at Grant Union High School offers 5th grade field trips where students harvest and cook their own lunch. 
WSCC Physical Activity & Education

Physical Activity & Education

Multiple programs in Twin Rivers address physical activity as an important part of wellness.

  • SPARK PE curriculum is integrated in all K-6 classes every day.
  • PE Courses are offered in grades 7-10 with PE elective courses to those who wish to continue taking PE in their 3rd and 4th years of high school.
  • A wide variety of extracurricular Student Athletics are available to enhance student's exposure and access to physical activity.
  • Guidelines for recess time is also addressed in the Wellness Policy to ensure all students have access to adequate physical activity throughout the school day. 
WSCC Physical & Mental Health

Physical & Mental Health

Healthy physical and mental well-being of students is crucial for youth to learn and thrive.

  • Physical health needs are addressed through the Student Health & Wellness department.
  • Health staff ensure that all students, regardless of health status, have their health needs met on campus to be able to participate in school classes and activities as they are able.
  • Preventative health measures, such as access to free bike helmets, immunization information and health clinic access are a priority. 
  • There are Dental Health programs on TRUSD campuses offering screenings and direct dental care to students.
  • Mental health is an important component of overall health. Twin Rivers counseling staff and school psychologists with the Special Education Department are available to help students and families with a wide variety of services to support mental health. 
  • The district also has a network of Crisis Response Teams available to school sites as needed.
WSCC Wellness & Promotion

Wellness & Promotion

Twin Rivers Unified School District works internally as well as through collaborations with community partners to provide wellness promotion programs to students and families.
Other community partners on the WSCC committee include:
  • Health Education Council
  • Center for Oral Health
  • Dairy Council of California
  • Virtual Dental Home
  • Sacramento County Dental Transformation Initiative