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SAFE Homeless Education Program

SAFE Homeless Education Program

Twin Rivers SAFE (Schools Access For Everyone) Homeless Education Program supports families, students, and unaccompanied youth who are in transition and may be experiencing homelessness. The SAFE Homeless Education Program provides educational resources to children and youth who may qualify for homeless education resources under the McKinney-Vento Act. 
McKinney-Vento Act

McKinney-Vento Act

The McKinney-Vento Act defines homelessness as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence due to economic hardships, loss of housing, or similar reasons.  The definition includes children who may have the following  nighttime residence status as:
  • Sharing the housing of others (doubled up)
  • Staying in a shelter or transitional housing
  • Temporarily living in a motel or hotel
  • Living in a car, park, campground, abandoned building, or other inadequate housing. (unsheltered)
  • Children that are unaccomanpied


Students who qualify under the SAFE Homeless Education Program have the following rights:
  • Immediate Enrollment
  • Right to remain in school of origin/feeder school
  • Transportation Support
  • Free and Reduced Lunch
  • Homeless Liaison Support
  • Removal of Barriers to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education)
  • Enrollment and Extra Curricular Activities
SAFE Homeless Education Brochure

SAFE Homeless Education Brochure

If you and your child are experiencing living circumstances listed above, our SAFE Homeless Education Program can help! Fill out the housing questionnaire and return it to your child's school or contact our Child Welfare and Attendance Department at (916) 566-1615 for support.
Homeless Liaisons

Homeless Liaisons


Darrin Greer
Child Welfare Attendance Coordinator

Homeless Liaison Region 2
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33509


Takendra White
Child Welfare Attendance Coordinator

Homeless Liaison Region 1
(916) 566-1600 ext. 33112