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Our Services

Our Services

  • Provide access to a variety of materials in varying formats to all district students, staff, and families;
  • Support "information literacy" instruction to all district students;
  • Provide materials and support to district educators in designing learning experiences which support curruicular and 21st century learning goals; and
  • Foster a passion for reading in all district students.


Director of Professional Development & Curriculum and Instruction
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34428
Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34460
Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction 
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34425
Instructional Materials Coordinator
(916) 566-1600 ext. 36420
Administrative Secretary
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34465
Administrative Clerk Senior
(916) 566-1600 ext. 34466