Paper (Tutoring Service)
Twin Rivers has partnered with Paper to provide unlimited access to trained tutors so every student can ask questions, work through problems, and grow their confidence—at no cost to families.
- What is Paper?
- ¿Que es Papel?
- Important Links
- Additional Resources
What is Paper?
Paper is an online, on-demand tutoring service that provides students with unlimited, 24/7 academic support. Whether they’re stuck on homework, studying for a test, or need someone to read and make suggestions to their writing, there will always be experts available online to assist students one-on-one in all subject areas and in more than 4 languages. See Paper FAQs to learn more.
Paper tutors have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather facilitate deeper learning by asking guiding questions and providing timely encouragement.
Paper tutors have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather facilitate deeper learning by asking guiding questions and providing timely encouragement.
Live chat: Students have 24/7 unlimited access to high-quality individualized tutoring via chat. When students hit a stumbling block on an assignment, they can connect with a tutor in under a minute and ask any academic question, any time across all subjects and in multiple languages. Students simply type in their question, upload a file or draw out the problem on the whiteboard.
Writing feedback: Students can receive feedback on their writing assignments to strengthen their writing skills. They can upload any type of written work to receive revisions from tutors within 24 hours. During the revision process, tutors highlight areas the student can improve and explain why, focusing on writing elements such as content, organization, citations and grammar.
¿Que es Papel?
Important Links
Additional Resources
Paper for Students
Paper for Students
What is Paper?
What is Paper?
Paper for Parents & Guardians